Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Gorge

Just thought I'd share some pictures from the Gorge, especially for the Jeff/Diane family who weren't able to attend. We had a great time. Wednesday was the travel day. It always takes a little longer the more kids we keep bringing into the family (especially when we have to run to Wal-Mart for a stroller). Thursday we had our normal morning and afternoon runs. Jaxon was the star of the day getting up on the wakeboard as the youngest Hunt in family history to do so. Friday was another day of skiing combined with a minor monsoon at camp. Mom stole the show on this day as she took her infamous ride on the tube with Ethan dunking them both. It is said the shouts could be heard in Vernal and are actually still echoing throughout Flaming Gorge canyon. Marianne bravely took another turn on the tube later. This time it was solo and successful. Saturday was breakfast at the Lodge and the trip back home where the white Durango defied all odds and rode about 30 miles on mere gas fumes. It was a great trip and definitely worth the 600 mile drive (or in Steph's case the 2,180 mile round trip).

Pictures too be posted tomorrow when our internet connections wakes up...


Bruce L. Hunt said...

Loved your blog on the trip. We are missing all of your family this week. It is too quiet here. The whole visit was great. Thanks for making my birthday the best one yet. I've had fun telling the walking/buddies and others about my experience tubing. Next year I will do it while Rhett's family is on the boat so they can see it in person and maybe Jeff can see it, too. Then I think I'll just enjoy riding in the boat, which I really did love! Love to all! Mom

Grandma Hunt said...

I am just letting you know that I have changed my email to so now I can post my own comments

Diane said...

Great photos Rhett! Thanks for sharing. Maybe next year you'll pick a week that Jeff can attend. :) Then we'll make it for sure.

Rhett said...

We did miss having the Texans there. I guess all of our localities will be up in the air next year, but we should still try to make the trip a week when we can all be there.