Thursday, February 28, 2008

Golden Turkey IX

Jeff, I need to relay a message to the Golden Turkey for me. Tell it not to get too comfy in the Lonestar State. I have completed a purchase in my quest to acquire the services of said Turkey.

Yes, I finally have a table of my own. I will no longer be practicing on the kitchen table using Stephen King novels as my pseudo net. No more drills using the walls and children as obstacles. The result? No more sleepless nights without the Turkey that has always belonged to me. No more nightmares of the penhold grip backhand coming at me at speeds rivaling Tony Stewart at Daytona. No more watching the old man twist my body into a human pretzel with his mix of spins and short-hand serves. The Turkey is coming home to the Land of Enchantment. I called Bill Richardson and now that his presidential campaign is over he is getting the parade down Central Street ready. They are printing the Rhett Street signs already to replace Juan Tabo Dr. I have already signed up to do autographs at Big 5, Sports Authority and during next year's Isotopes/Lobos exhibition game. The Balloon Fiesta is putting together a ping pong ball shaped balloon for October's festivities. The Lobos are considering changing "The Pit" to "Rhett's Killer Forehand Arena". Better wear your beret and munch on some baguettes Jeffrey because Golden Turkey IX will be your waterloo.

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