Saturday, February 2, 2008

Life in ABQ

Finally, we are getting a family website up and going. We sent out invites to everyone to start making posts on this so we don't have to ask mom how everyone's doing anymore. I've also added links to stephanie's blog and jeff/diane's website (although I couldn't get the direct link since you need to sign in to get there). Let's all keep in touch on this or else dad has threatened to start a family newsletter.

Things in the Duke City are good. I continue to bleed green. I'm currently training my replacements so that I can start putting in for promotions this next fall. Yes, it does take two New Mexicans to equal the work of one Utahan. I finally have everything ready to submit for my CPA certification and may actually put it in next week. I passed the last section last April so I guess I've procrastinated enough.

Steph has 5 kids over twice a week for preschool. I guess three boys just wasn't enough work. She updates her blog religiously so make sure you check it out.

Porter is doing good at school. They are going to start having him read with the first graders because he's doing so well. Nice to be in New Mexico where we have the smartest kids.

Zachary's still on the IR with the broken leg. Just a few more weeks until he's free. Unfortunately we're sure it will be just like his last one where his leg was so weak that he had to be carried everywhere for a week after.

Andrew is absorbing Zachary's personality. It's making for some interesting moments in the Hunt home. There is a lot of yelling and fighting between the two. It must come from the Peterson side because I don't remember much fighting in our house. Andrew is, however, the happiest one year old alive.

Well, I've begun the kids' portion of updating this site. We here in exile would love to hear from those of you still in Zion and the others in the Lonestar State.

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